Design and Technology
Design and Technology
Departmental Aims
The aim of the Design and Technology department is to offer opportunities to all students to hone and develop their designing and making skills. Students are encouraged to create products that are fit for purpose and user-centred. We aim to achieve this by offering a broad, balanced curriculum, which allows students to reach their maximum potential. Programmes of study are differentiated where possible so that all students can succeed on varying levels.
We strive to stimulate a lasting interest in learning through problem solving and technological activities. We attempt to help students to develop their imaginations, sensitivity and creative responses to a wide range of aesthetic experiences.
Design and Technology has an important part to play in helping all students to acquire the knowledge and skills that will be needed in future courses, careers and life in general.
Students need to co-operate with one another and have a responsible attitude for health and safety. Students should develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills, both on their own and in groups.
As a department we aim to promote high standards of academic achievement through designing, making and evaluating results. We aim to work together as an enthusiastic team and promote an environment where all students develop personal responsibility and self-motivation but consider the needs and achievements of others.
- The department is well resourced and incorporates the use of modern technologies and manufacturing techniques
- There are three specialist design suites, a DT lab, and a spacious workshop with a range of machinery used in association with woods, metals and plastics
- There will be opportunities for students to use Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages in the form of SOLIDWORKS and TechSoft V3 Design
- The department is well-resourced with Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) machinery available for students to manufacture their final products and 3D prototypes. This includes the use of CNC milling, laser cutters and 3D printing machines
- Six full-time teachers bring a wealth and variety of expertise to the classroom which includes public examining
- Our full-time technician is dedicated to supporting practical activities which make full use of our well-resourced department.
GCSE Curriculum
Design Technology: Product Design
The GCSE Design Technology course focuses on designing and making products that are fit for a given user problem or scenario. The course will enable students to work with a range of materials that include woods, plastics and metal to create professional and marketable end products. Students will learn about specific materials and manufacturing processes in order to produce high quality products of their own.
Design Technology: Design Engineering
The course strikes a good balance between hands-on practical skills and the use of modern technologies when designing new products and systems. The GCSE Design Technology qualification operates on a level 9–1 awarding.
Co-curricular, Enrichment, Extension and Support
- Daily support sessions are available for all students who seek additional help with ongoing project work.
Year 7-9 Extra Curricular:
We run a number of extra curricular clubs within the department which include LEGO League club, F1 Challenge club and DCI (Design Create and Innovate) club. All clubs are very popular with students and are always well attended.