Senior School Staff List
Senior School Staff List
Absence phone numbers
Senior School: 01234 332579
Sixth Form: 01234 332209
After school care
07785 222370
Please find below the names of the Bedford Modern Senior School staff. Click on the name to send an email to the relevant contact.
Assistant Heads
Assistant Head for Years 7 and 8 Miss L Coltman BA (Hons), QTS
Assistant Head for Years 9 – 11 Mr P Reynolds BSC (Hons), PGCE
Assistant Head for Innovation Mr M R Price MA (Cantab), PGCE
Assistant Head for Academic Miss E J Ginns BEng (Hons), MEd, PGCE
Heads of Year and Senior Tutors
Head of Year 7 Mrs J Williams BA (Hons), PGCE
Assistant Head of Year 7 Mr T Palmer BMus, PGCE, DELE
Head of Year 8 Mr D Donoghue BA (Dubl), PGCE, MA
Assistant Head of Year 8 Miss H L Gilbert BA, MA, PGCE
Head of Year 9 Mr A Slater PGCE, BEng (Hons)
Assistant Head of Year 9 Mrs J Roberts BA (Hons)
Head of Year 10 Mrs L Neville BA (Hons)
Assistant Head of Year 10 Mr G Darlow BSc (Hons)
Head of Year 11 Mr E Kerr CertEd
Assistant Head of Year 11 Miss C Benson BA (Hons), QTS
Assistant Head of Sixth Form and Senior Tutor Mr S Baker BSc (Hons), PGCE
Senior Tutor Dr S Boa BA (Hons), M Phil, PhD, PGCE
Senior Tutor Mrs J L Kilbey BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Senior Tutor Miss A Smith BSc, PGCE, MEd
Head of Houses
Senior Head of House – Mrs P A Edwards BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Head of Bell House – Mr A G Higgens BSc (Hons), QTS
Head of Farrar House – Mrs S Leather BA (Hons)
Head of Mobbs House – Mrs L Cleaver BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Oatley House – Mr A Wright BMus (Hons), PGCE
Head of Rose House – Mr L Hyland-Knight BA, PGCE
Head of Tilden House – Miss A Jackson BA
Teaching Staff
Faculty of Art, Design and Information Technology
Head of Faculty: Mrs S E Nazir BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Art: Mr J McGregor BA, PG Dip, PGCE
Mrs P J Edwards BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Mrs L Turner
Design Technology
Head of Design Technology: Mr A H Jones BA (Hons), PGCE
Mr A Rock BSc (Hons), PGCE
Miss C Benson BA (Hons), QTS
Mr E Kerr CertEd
Mrs L Neville BA (Hons)
Mr J P White BEd
Computer Science
Mrs C Fowler BSc (Hons)
Mr A Leach
Mr J Potter BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Faculty of English
Head of Faculty: Dr T Foster BA (Hons), MA, PhD, PGCE
Second in English: Mrs H Denison BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs D Andrews
Mr C Barrow BEd (Hons), QTS
Mrs L Cleaver BA (Hons), PGCE
Miss A Jackson BA
Mrs J L Kilbey BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Mr O L Roberts MA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Mr J J Sanders BA (Hons), PGCE
Film Studies
Head of Film Studies: Mr J J Sanders BA (Hons), PGCE
Dr T Foster BA (Hons), MA, PhD, PGCE
Faculty of Humanities
Head of Faculty: Miss R A Gleeson BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Geography: Mr B W Day BSc, PGCE
Mrs A Kelly BSc (Hons), MA, PGCE
Mrs D R Tapper BA (Hons), PGCE
Mr M R Price MA (Cantab), PGCE
Miss A Smith BSc, PGCE, MEd
Head of History: Ms C Webb BA (Hons), PGCE
Dr S Boa BA (Hons), M Phil, PhD, PGCE
Mr M McIntosh BA (Hons), PGCE
Mr A D Tapper BSc, Mstud (Oxon)
Mrs S E Wright MA (Cantab), PGCE
Religious Studies and Theology
Head of RE/RS: Mr J L Hooper BA (Hons), PGCE, BA (Hons)
Miss R A Gleeson BA (Hons), PGCE
Mr J P Searle TD, BTh (Hons)(Oxon), PGCE
Faculty of Languages and Classics
Head of Faculty: Mrs G Sainsbury
Head of Classics: Miss E Swallow MA, PGCE
Ms A Cheetham
Miss O Flynn
Mrs R Winter BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of MFL: Mrs G Sainsbury
Heads of French: Mrs G Sainsbury and Mlle G Amoros Licence Civilisation * Lit, PGCE
Mrs J Williams BA (Hons), PGCE
V Demierbe – Foreign Language Assistant (French)
Head of German: Mr A Robinson BA (Hons), PGCE
Ms A Tebb BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs M Tew BA (Hons), PGCE, CertSpLD
L Gaeng – Foreign Language Assistant (German)
Head of Spanish: Mrs S Sobrado Licenciatura, PGCE, MEd
Mr L Hyland-Knight BA, PGCE
Mr T Palmer BMus, PGCE, DELE
N Lopez – Foreign Language Assistant (Spanish)
A Pérez – Foreign Language Assistant (Spanish)
Faculty of Mathematics
Head of Faculty: Mrs K Adams BSc (Hons) QTS, MEd
Acting Head of Maths: Mr A M Cullen BSc (Hons), PGCE
Assistant Head of Maths: Mr F Crawley BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs N Fisher BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mr N Hussain BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mr D M King BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mr R Millar BSc, PGCE
Mr G Patmore BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs J Priston BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs J Roberts BA (Hons)
Mr N D Shackleton BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mr A Slater BEng, PGCE
Faculty of Music
Director of Music: Mrs M Perry BMus, PGCE, DipABRSM
Head of Academic Music: Miss D Derry BA (Hons), PGCE, MEd Cambridge (currently on maternity leave)
Mr A Wright BMus (Hons), PGCE
Dr G Murphy Clifford (maternity cover)
Faculty of Performance Arts
Head of Faculty: Mr Paul Stevens BA Hons (Ed.)
Head of Academic Drama: Mrs E Marabese BA Hons (Ed.)
Miss L Coltman BA (Hons), QTS
Mrs J Goodacre BA (Hons), PGCE, MBA
Mrs K Redding BA (Hons)
Speech and Drama
Head of Speech and Drama: Mrs S Leather BA (Hons)
Mr W Moss BA (Hons), PGCE, QTLS
Mrs L Chuck BA (Hons)
Head of Dance and Choreography: Mrs K Power BA (Hons), LISTD
Mrs K Jolly BA (Hons), LISTD, DDE
Faculty of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE)
Head of Faculty: Mr P J Davis BA, PGCE
Economics and Business
Head of Economics: Mr P J Davis BA, PGCE
Head of Business: Ms E Charlton BA (Hons), PGCE
Mr J Calogirou BA (Hons), MSc, PGCE
Mr D Bareham BEng (Hons), MSc, PGCE, CTeach
Head of Politics: Mr S Baker BSc (Hons), PGCE
Dr S Boa BA (Hons), M Phil, PhD, PGCE
Head of Philosophy: Mrs O Thatcher BA (Hons), MTeach, QTS
Mrs K S Mace BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs D M Smith BSc (Hons), PGCE
Faculty of Science
Head of Faculty: Mr D C Honnor BA (Oxon), GTP
Head of Combined Science: Mrs R Bailey M.Chem. (Hons) (Dunelm) M.Ed. (Cantab) PGCE
Head of Biology: Mr R J Brand BSc (Hons), PGCE, MRSB
Mr D Donoghue BA (Dubl), PGCE, MA
Mrs H Lakhani BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs S Sanctuary BSc, PGCE
Mrs S Sumal BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE
Head of Chemistry: Mr J P Fitton BSc, PGCE
Mrs R Bailey M.Chem. (Hons) (Dunelm) M.Ed. (Cantab) PGCE
Dr J Blackie BSc (Hons), PhD, PGCE
Miss E J Lees BSc (Hons), MChem, PGCE
Dr C M Saunders BSc, PhD, PGCE
Head of Physics: Mr T P Mullan BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs W D Hallett BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Mr J Pritchard BEng (Hons), PGCE
Dr V Ecart MD, BSc (Hons), PGCE
Teacher of Science – Mr D Glasspool BSc (Hons), PGCE
Teacher of Science – Miss S Jeffs MSc, PGCE
Faculty of Sport
Director of Sport and Fitness: Mr B D Kirkpatrick BSc (Hons), PGCE, QTS, MA
Academic PE
Miss H L Gilbert BA, MA, PGCEJe
Sporting Staff
Head of Junior School Sport Development – Mr T W Bucktin BSc, PGCE, MEd
Head of Girls’ Sport – Miss S Brightman
Head of Boys’ Sport – Mr M Park
Head of Core PE – Mr A G Higgens BSc, QTS
Head of Cricket – Mr H Singh
Head of Hockey – Mr J Sloman BSc, MSc, QTS
Head of Netball – Miss S Brightman
Head of Rugby – Mr J Hawken
Head of Aquatics – Mrs K Hawken BSc (Hons), QTS
Director of Rowing – Mr M Bavington
Assistant Director of Rowing – Mr O James
Hockey Coach and Games Specialist – Mr P J Woodroffe BA (Hons)
Hockey Specialist and Games Coach – Mr L C Bridger
Performance Netball Coach – Mr L Ferns
Rugby Coach and Games Specialist – Miss R Clark
Rugby Coach – Mr L Cleaver
Rugby Coach (PAA) – Mr R Stewart
Teacher of PE – Mr G Darlow BSc (Hons)
Teacher of Sport and Girls’ Games (Junior School) – Miss S A Hale
Teacher of Swimming – Miss P Downes
Sports Coach – Mr J Chambers
Strength & Conditioning Coach – Mr A Reynolds
Graduate Sports Assistant – Miss K Simpson
Badminton Coaches
Mr B Bunian
Hockey Coaches
Mr D Parker
Netball Coaches
Miss D Addo
Miss R Blair
Mrs J Brewster
Mrs L Gear
Mrs C McNally
Miss E Wilkinson
Mrs J Wilkinson
Mrs S Worboys
Mrs K Slawinski
Rowing Coaches
Miss H O’Donnell
Mr A Totty
Academic Support Staff
SENCo Mrs E Makower BEd (Hons) (Cantab), NSENCO, PAPAA
Academic Support Teachers
Mrs D Costello BA (Hons), MA, CertSpLD
Mr T Gainsford BA (Hons), PGCE, MEd, AAA, NASENCO
Miss K Hart BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs M Tew BA (Hons), PGCE, CertSpLD
Other Areas
Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Mrs S E Wright MA (Cantab), PGCE
Head of Academic Extension Mr M McIntosh BA (Hons), PGCE
Director of Staff Development Mr D Bareham BEng (Hons), MSc, PGCE, CTeach
Head of Data, Assessment and Reporting Mrs N Fisher BSc (Hons), PGCE
Senior Data, Assessment and Report Assistant Mr A Jones BA (Hons), PGCE
Data, Assessment and Reporting Assistant Mr G Patmore BA (Hons), PGCE
Project Qualifications
Head of Project Qualifications: Mrs H Denison BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs D Costello BA (Hons), MA, CertSpLD
Dr C M Oswald BSc, PhD, PGCE
Examinations Manager Mrs K Jones BA (Hons)
Examinations Officer Mrs V Barker
Assistant Examinations Officer Miss K Hart
AI Project Lead Mr J Potter BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Learning Resource Centre Manager Mrs T Henning
Higher Education and UCAS Officer Mr R Smith BA (Hons), PGCE
Elite Universities Coordinator Mr M McIntosh BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Careers Mrs H Jones BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of PSHE and RSE Mrs S Muller BEd (Hons)
Head of Outreach Mr J P Fitton BSc, PGCE
Outreach Drop-in Coordinator Ms E J Lees BSc (Hons), MChem, PGCE
Mental Health Lead Miss E Harbour BA (Hons), PGCert, PGDip, PGCert
Student Support Assistant (Years 9-11) Mrs N Hopkins BA (Hons)
Student Support Assistant Mrs C Denton
Student Support Assistant Mrs L Williams BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Health and Fitness Manager Mrs L Williams LLB, MSc
Theatre Manager Mr N Parker BA (Hons)
Theatre and Media Technician Mr J Hundy BA (Hons)
Theatre and Media Technician Mr J Carter
Cover Supervisor/Hockey and Cricket Coach Mr G Marsh
Director of Co-Curricular Activity Mr A Tapper
CCF School Staff Instructor Mr P C Simons
Sixth Form Learning Advisor Miss E Simpson BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Sixth Form Learning Advisor Mrs C Wakeling BA (Hons), PGCE