Our Mission Inspiring Excellence: a truly modern, inclusive and relevant education delivering excellence in all aspects of school life.

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Our four aims: inspire, engage, encourage and cultivate, provide a clear sense of purpose to drive the delivery of our mission.

  • Inspire
    We inspire all of our school community to set high standards for themselves, develop a love of learning, a sense of curiosity and an ability to think independently.
  • Encourage
    We encourage students, staff and parents to develop a sense of wellbeing and students are encouraged to develop their emotional intelligence and self-awareness.
  • Engage
    We engage with and develop positive relationships with existing and potential students, staff, parents, OBMs and the wider community.
  • Cultivate
    We cultivate an outstanding learning environment, widening access for all and investing in staff development, the facilities and the daily operation of the School.
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Our values shape everything that we do

  • Kindness
    We are kind to one another at all times.
  • Respect
    We respect and are tolerant of one another, embracing and celebrating differences.
  • Resilience
    We build and support all of our community to have the courage and resilience to recover from any challenges or difficulties.
  • Confidence
    We have confidence in ourselves and the ability to think and act independently.
  • Ambition
    We are ambitious for ourselves and others.
  • Responsibility
    We take responsibility for all our actions.
  • Integrity
    We are honest and guided by strong moral principles.
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