Wrap Around Care
Wrap Around Care
Bedford Modern School is open from 7.30am until 6.00pm and offers wrap around care in addition to running Holiday Activity Courses during the holiday periods.
Before School Care
There is a Breakfast Club which runs in the Refectory from 7.30am to 8.30am for students who arrive before 8.00am. There is no charge for this, but students will need to pay for any breakfast items they consume. No students should be on site before 7.30am unless a pre-arranged activity has been scheduled which the student will be attending.
Junior School
School day: 8.45am – 3.45pm
Students are supervised from 8.00am on the playground. Co-curricular activities run every day after school. After school care is also available until 6.00pm free of charge.
Senior School
School day: 8.40am – 4.00pm
Common Rooms open at 8.00am and any student wishing to arrive at this time should go directly to their Common Room. The Common Rooms will close at 4.30pm.
Many students will be able to take part in a range of supervised activities after school and co-curricular club lists are produced termly. The Library will be open after school until 6.00pm for students in all year groups, where they can read or complete homework and study quietly. All after school provision ceases at 6.00pm.
After School Care Contact Number
07785 222370