

Music plays a central role in the daily life of the Junior School. Weekly class lessons are led by music specialists.

The emphasis is on:

  • Practical experience, creativity and fun
  • Musical skills, including written notation, theory and listening are taught progressively, alongside written and improvised composition
  • Lessons revolve around short projects designed to encourage confidence in performance.

We have a substantial amount of music resources to aid in the provision of Music in the Junior School.

We take singing seriously, teaching singing skills and regularly singing together. Musical events in the Junior School include:

  • Co-curricular music groups, Year 3 Singers, Year 4 Singers and Year 5 and 6 Singers, as well as a Junior School orchestra which has won its class at the Bedford Festival for two years running
  • Annual House Music competition
  • Annual cycle of concerts varying in levels of formality including a joint chamber music concert with the Senior School
  • Regular performance platforms during assemblies giving the opportunity for children to perform to a friendly audience in a relaxed setting
  • Opportunities for ensemble and chamber music
  • Local music festivals and fundraising events (and performances in the local community)
  • Working with other schools

We invite professional musicians to inspire our students and professional adjudicators for internal competitions. House Music is a whole school event where all students compete in their House against each other to plan and perform songs on a given theme.

All students have the option of learning a musical instrument in school. Instrumental lessons are organised by rotation, ensuring that the same academic lessons are not missed every week. Instrumental demonstrations are built into class lessons and school assemblies. All children can choose to attend a club for beginner string players, including violin, viola, cello and double bass. Occasional equivalent groups for wind and brass can also be arranged. These clubs are free of charge.