

English is used across the whole curriculum, so is not restricted to those periods of the timetable to which it is allocated. All lessons contain opportunities for developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Our students have access to fantastic English Resources.

Speaking and Listening

Students are encouraged to:

  • Use standard English
  • Speak clearly
  • Wait for their turn to contribute
  • Develop listening skills through oral comprehension
  • Pose relevant questions and respond sensibly to what they hear.

Drama lessons also reinforce the development of students’ confidence in speaking clearly to an audience.

Reading and writing

The teaching of these two activities is complementary and the students’ learning of both is thereby reinforced. They are taught:

  • Reading skills through phonics and word recognition
  • Grammar and punctuation, which aid both reading and writing and are closely inter-linked
  • Planning techniques to note ideas on plots, characters and settings
  • Story composure using the framework guide.


We encourage good spelling. We use a spelling scheme which develops good spelling habits and knowledge of sounds.