Film Studies
Film Studies
Departmental Aims
- To develop in students a love for, and critical appreciation of, films from a variety of eras, traditions and cultures
- To inspire and encourage students in the creation of their own short films
- To broaden students’ understanding of how Film Studies can help them pursue certain routes through higher education and the world of work
- To use the latest teaching methods and software to enhance student learning.
- Two specialist Film Studies teachers with a wealth of film experience and interest, including previous work in the television industry and the writing of academic film books
- A dedicated technician to support student filming and editing
- Access to Premiere Pro software to enable industry-standard productions
- A Steadicam and track/dolly for enhanced filming opportunities
- A comprehensive film and reference library
- A dedicated Film Studies teaching classroom.
A Level Curriculum
We follow the Eduqas Film Studies A Level specification. Film Studies is an exciting and challenging discipline that explores the intellectual and emotional appeal of film. It enables students to develop a critical awareness and understanding of film, and its relationship with society, utilising transferable skills that are key to many intellectual and practical situations.
The course recognises film’s unique status as an art form, a social and political tool, and as an industry, providing a number of possible analytical routes. Although film texts can be accessible initially, the high level of academic rigour and close analysis is demanding.
In Year 12, students engage in the construction, deconstruction and critical analysis of a range of film texts. In Year 13, there is the opportunity to extend knowledge of film concepts and theories, and engagement with a range of contemporary film issues and debates, promoting independent learning skills.
A distinctive feature of the course is the practical element that enables students to put theory into practice by creating their own films. This also facilitates the learning of new and practical skills, as well as developing logistical skills when planning and producing their film projects.
Co-curricular, Enrichment, Extension and Support
- Film Society to show and discuss a wide range of films
- Visits to the British Film Institute for lectures and events
- Visits by film academics and industry professionals
- Entry of student films into competitions
- Opportunities for work experience on film/television shoots, facilitated by the wide network of alumni working in the industry
- Opportunities for filming work in other areas of school and other events in the local community.
Students go on to study a diverse range of subjects, including Film, English, Drama, History of Art, American Studies, Politics, Philosophy and Law. Previous BMS Film Studies students include: Jeremy Irvine (internationally-renowned actor), James Fulcher (producer), and Sophie King (director).