Welcome to the Junior School
Welcome to bedford modern Junior School
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our School. We are delighted that you have chosen Bedford Modern School for the ongoing education of your child and look forward to them joining us in September.
We feel it is important that you all have as much information as possible to help ease the transition into the Junior School and we have prepared this webpage which we hope will be of use in the coming weeks and months. All new Junior School students will receive a booklet which contains details such as key staff, important dates and what to expect on the first day.
You can access other useful and important information through our website such as the school calendar, term dates, transport details, a staff list or School Policy documents.
For more specific information about your own child, such as lesson timetables, academic documents, staff contact details and school reports, please login to the Parent Portal using your unique account details which will be sent to you by the end of Wednesday 05 June. On the Portal you will find various forms which need to be completed. We positively encourage regular contact and communication between home and school and your child’s Form Teacher will be the first and most important point of contact should you have any questions or queries.
Should you need any further help or advice please do not hesitate to contact our admissions team at admissions@bedmod.co.uk or on 01234 332690/659.
Being New at BMS
For the Students
All of our new students will receive a copy of the New Students’ Booklet. A copy can be downloaded here.
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2024
Wednesday 04 September to Friday 13 December*
Half term: 2 weeks commencing Monday 21 October
Spring Term 2025
Tuesday 07 January to Friday 28 March*
Half term: 1 week commencing Monday 17 February
Summer Term 2025
Wednesday 23 April to Friday 11 July*
Half term: 1 week commencing Monday 26 May
*the last day of each term finishes at 12 noon
Term dates can always be found on the website here.
Contacting the School
Junior School Reception: 01234 332513
General Email: jsreception@bedmod.co.uk
Absence from School
If a student is late arriving at school they MUST be signed in by a parent at the Junior School Reception stating the time and reason for lateness. In addition if a child is leaving school during the day, they MUST be signed out and back in by a parent at Junior School Reception where appropriate.
Please use the ‘Report an Absence’ button in My School Portal if your child is not able to attend school.
Start of Autumn Term 2024
The Autumn Term begins on Wednesday 04 September 2024. All new students will assemble in the Christopher Fry Hall (located in the Junior School) by 8.30am where they will be met by their Form Teacher and taken to their form rooms. School will end at 3.45pm. It is vital that a Transport Form, detailing means of transport, is completed for each new student by Friday 05 July 2024. The Transport Form can be found on My School Portal. During the first day, students are given a tour of the Junior School to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings. They will be allocated a peg and an individual locker with their own special combination, although Year 3 students will learn their combinations later in the year. Throughout the first few days, students are encouraged to ask questions and there are plenty of people on hand to help them feel at home. All new students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be partnered with a child who is familiar with the School to help them settle in.
Getting to School
Parents who bring their children into school are respectfully asked to observe the signs on display and NOT to park in the space reserved for coaches. The gyratory is for dropping off and collecting students only and we politely request that those who are waiting for children park in a designated space.
Students should not be dropped off or collected on Manton Lane or between the roundabout and the bus stop on Clapham Road because this creates a serious traffic hazard. We understand that this is a problem for parents, but the safety of the children is of paramount importance.
Students must use designated crossing points on Manton Lane and are actively encouraged to use the bridge on Manton Lane when crossing the road. Students may not cross Clapham Road at the town side of the roundabout except at the Pelican crossing. Those approaching the School from Shakespeare Road should cross using the crossing on the Clapham Road side of the roundabout. Crossing the road to Sainsbury’s must take place at the traffic lights placed further away from the dangers of the roundabout.
If your child arrives after 8.00am they will be supervised on the playground until school begins. If you need to drop your child at school before 8.00am, there is a breakfast club which runs in the Refectory from 7.30am – 8.30am. There is no charge for this but students will need to pay for any breakfast items they consume. No students should be on site before 7.30am unless a pre-arranged activity has been scheduled which the student will be attending.
First Day of the New School Year
On the first day of the new school year you will probably want to accompany your child into the School. This is perfectly acceptable unless they catch a bus, in which case we strongly recommend that you begin this routine from day one.
All new children will congregate in the Christopher Fry Hall on the first morning of term and you are welcome to join them on this occasion if you are dropping them off. However, from the second day we suggest you begin your usual routine. If your child will be catching the bus then we recommend that you begin this routine from day one. Most parents find it easiest to drive onto the gyratory system at the front of school. The children can get out of the car and walk carefully to the paved area. They can then walk up to the Junior School unaccompanied from here and you can drive off. This is a very smooth system to use and works well.
Timings of the School Day
Registration | 8.40am |
Period 1 | 8.50am – 9.40am |
Period 2 | 9.40am – 10.30am |
Break | 10.30am |
Period 3 | 10.55am – 11.45am |
Period 4 | 11.45am – 12.35am |
Lunch | 12.35am |
Assembly/Form Period | 1.40pm |
Period 5 | 2.05pm – 2.55pm |
Period 6 | 2.55pm – 3.45pm |
End of school day | 3.45pm |
School Lunches
School lunches are available each day. Children are welcome to bring packed lunches which must be eaten in the Refectory.
Parents will need to complete a form to indicate their preferred option by Friday 05 July 2024 (via My School Portal). A minimum of half a term’s notice must be given to cancel hot lunches. Children can change to hot lunches with the minimum of notice.
Parents of younger students are advised to purchase school lunches for their children. Many have a long day and need a proper midday meal.
Transport to Bedford Modern School
Travelling by Bus
The Harpur Trust Schools have a transport system run both by voluntary parent groups and commercial suppliers. This is listed on our website here. More details can be obtained from our website and must be booked directly with each transport provider.
During the first day children travelling by bus will be introduced to a bus buddy. The bus buddy is a current BMS student who travels on the same bus and is familiar with the routine.
The bus buddy and new student will meet at the end of the school day. During the first week of the academic year new students will be seen safely across Manton Lane at the supervised crossing and are overseen by the bus supervisors at Clapham Road. The bus buddy system will be maintained until the new student is confident with the procedure.
Rules and Recommendations Concerning Bicycles
Junior School children may cycle to school only in exceptional circumstances, with the Head of the Junior School’s permission and if accompanied by an adult. They must ride safely and with consideration for other road users and keep their bicycles in good order. Bicycles are liable for inspection and must be marked with the owner’s name and address. Cycle owners must keep a record of the frame number of their bicycle, and should always padlock them. Bicycles must not be ridden on school premises or within the gates of the school field. The School cannot accept responsibility for any bicycles or vehicles parked on school premises.
After School
Children should leave the premises as soon as possible after school finishes unless they are taking part in co-curricular activities or are attending After-School Care. An After-School Care facility is offered to those who need to stay until 6pm free of charge.
There are several options available to parents for collecting their children after school:
- You can park on the school site using the front and rear car parks and walk to the Junior School to collect your child from outside the Junior School building.
- If there are older siblings in school, please park in the bottom car park and meet your child at the flag pole. Please ensure you are there to supervise your children from 3.45pm.
It is essential that all students in Years 4, 5 and 6 are equipped with a dictionary; the Collins Pocket English Dictionary is recommended. Students in Year 3 will be supplied with a dictionary. All students should have a blue handwriting/Frixion pen, coloured pencils, felt or fibre tip pens, a highlighter pen, pencils, rubber, pencil case, calculator, 30cm ruler, glue stick, a pair of scissors and a water bottle. Students in Years 5 and 6 will also require a geometry set. Every item of equipment must be named and parents are requested to check periodically that their child has all the necessary items.
Homework Policy
Homework, or prep, plays an increasingly important part in a student’s development as they get older. The aims of prep in the Junior School are as follows:
- To reinforce learning that occurs in the classroom.
- To introduce the idea that not all work is done in the classroom under the supervision of the teacher.
- To give students an opportunity for research and revision with firm guidelines, but in their own time.
- To establish the principles and practices of working at home both with and without parental help.
- To enable students to finish or continue work which they have already started, whilst their ideas and enthusiasm are still fresh, or to provide extension work where appropriate.
- To establish a regular pattern and routine in students’ lives and to encourage good working habits, which will be vital in later years.
Frequency and Content
The needs of different age groups are such that we need to establish a system which is flexible and which can be used as the teacher sees fit. There is no intention to set prep for prep’s sake, but it will be set where it is felt to be meaningful and relevant. This will, in turn, mean that there may be some occasions when prep has not been set; this will sometimes be part or all of prep particularly for younger students.
At other times, students will be given more specific tasks: we do not wish these to be supplemented by even more work from parents, whom we would ask to accept our professional judgement on these matters.
This will also vary from year group to year group but should be within the guidelines given below:
Year 3 – 20 minutes
Reading and Times Table practice each night. Other subjects may be set in accordance with the teachers’ discretion.
Year 4 – 20 minutes
Reading and Times Table practice each night. Other subjects may be set in accordance with the teachers’ discretion.
Year 5 – 30 minutes
English and Maths once per week. Science and Humanities bi-weekly. No more than one per evening.
Year 6 – 30 minutes
English and Maths once per week. Science and Humanities on alternate weeks.
We highly recommend that the times are strictly adhered to and the child should not work beyond the suggested guideline. If the task has not been completed in the allocated time then it is perfectly acceptable to stop with a note placed in the child’s planner.
Reports and Parents' Evenings
During the academic year there will be two parent consultation evenings in November and April (online and in person options will be available), where you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s form teacher to discuss progress to date. In addition to these, children will be issued with a report grade card in November, a full written report in March and a final report grade card at the end of the summer term. In September and January there are parent information meetings regarding the forthcoming curriculum and visits details.
Academic Provision
At Bedford Modern School we pride ourselves on offering a rich academic educational experience both inside and outside the classroom. The subjects taught are: English, Mathematics, Humanities (Geography, History and Religious Education), Science, Modern Foreign Languages, Drama, Art, Music, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Design Technology, Physical Education, Personal, Social, Heath and Economic Education (PSHE), Reflection and Wellbeing, Swimming and Games.
The following provides some information on the dimensions of academic life here at BMS away from the everyday classroom lesson. Mrs Woodhouse is our SENCo and leads on our Academic Support work on a day-to-day basis. Mrs Harpin retains overall oversight of Academic Support, generic Study Support and Academic Extension as Deputy Head Academic.
Academic Support: assistance provided by the Academic Support team to those with a diagnosed, recognised learning need or disability. An exemplar student would be someone with dyslexia. Please see supporting information on Academic Support provision on our website here.
Study Support: support provided by departments and other members of staff to those with generic study queries or specific subject concerns. An exemplar student would be someone struggling with algebra going to a Maths lunchtime session, or a student gaining some help with generic revision skills in a study support session run for anyone in the School.
Enrichment: aims to develop in students the soft skills that will enhance their school experience generally and also provide them with the aptitudes to thrive in the wider world beyond school. The programme is enriching in and of itself, but also facilitates a greater engagement with other things, be they academic, co-curricular or non-school related.
Academic Extension: how we extend all students academically, in class and outside of the classroom. We aim to inspire all students with a love of learning and an intellectual thirst and curiosity that will remain after students leave BMS. Please see our Academic Extension policy here.
Money and Smart Devices
Mobile phones and smart watches are only allowed in specific circumstances e.g. travel by coach, medical conditions, and with the prior knowledge of the Deputy Head Pastoral of the Junior School. Any phones must be handed in for safe keeping during the working day. Arrangements to have a mobile phone or smart watch are renewable annually following a written request for permission to have a phone in school.
Junior School Games
All children in Year 3 and Year 4 swim once a week. Children in Year 5 and 6 have a double swimming lesson once every 2 weeks. We expect that all children will be able to swim by the age of 11.
Most Junior School fixtures take place during the week however fixtures occasionally take place on Saturdays, in which case children are expected to play if selected. Parents are able to view which fixtures their child has been selected for via our Sports Online Communication System (SOCS), a specific tool designed for this purpose.
Co-curricular Activities
We offer a wide variety of activities each term. A summary list is sent to parents near to or at the start of term and this is supported by a detailed list of information on the Parent Portal. Children attending an after-school activity should be collected from the Junior School and not from the flagpole or car park. Further details can be found here.
The House System
All children are placed in one of four Houses: Kaye, Liddle, Poole and Taylor. They stay in the same House throughout their time in the Junior School and are given many chances to represent their House in a range of activities. These can be on the sporting field, in the classroom, in a creative forum or around school on a less formal, but no less important basis. There are activities to suit everyone, and there is often the opportunity to take part in something new.
Behaviour Plan
The Junior School operates an assertive discipline policy within the classrooms, which operates as follows. The Behaviour Plan is set out in three sections.
We think before we act and speak
- Which includes respecting the property of others
We display good manners
- Holding the door open
- Saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’
- Keeping to the left in the corridors
- Standing up when a member of staff enters the room
- We listen when others are speaking
We treat everyone as we would like to be treated.
- Praise
- House Points
- Praise from another member of staff
- Sending a postcard home to parents
- Receiving a Commendation for outstanding work
- Receiving a Certificate of Performance for excellence in co-curricular activities
- Recognition from the Head, Deputy Head Academic or Pastoral of the Junior School
- You will be given a verbal warning by your teacher
- You will be asked to leave the activity for one minute
- You will then be asked to leave the activity for a further three minutes to reflect on your behaviour
The teacher will discuss your choices of behaviour with you at this point
- You will be sent to another class to complete the task
- Your name will be recorded by the Deputy Head Academic or Pastoral (three entries will result in a Warning)
- You will then be sent to one of the Deputy Heads of Academic or Pastoral and issued with a Warning which will be sent home to your parents
- You will be given a School Detention by the Head of the Junior School
NB A detention will also be automatic for any child issued with three Warnings
Uniform Points
We encourage the children to take pride in their appearance and uniform. At four pre-determined points in the year the children will be issued with five uniform points. Points will be removed from children for repeatedly looking untidy, failure to have the correct clothing kit for lessons, leaving uniform items at school after attending a club the previous evening, etc. At the end of the designated period, children who have any points remaining will be able to enjoy a ‘Non-Uniform Day’.
We strive to achieve a happy and safe learning environment for your children and hope that the Behaviour Plan makes such an outcome a reality. If you would like any further clarification or to discuss the Behaviour Plan in more detail please do not hesitate to contact us at school.
School Uniform
A list showing the uniform requirements for 2024-25 can be downloaded here. Please find our Uniform Policy here.
All items of clothing should be clearly named. Students should be provided with a pair of old trainers to wear outdoors at playtime.
All uniform, including school shoes and sportswear is available to purchase from No Limitz which is situated at 25 Shuttleworth Road, Elms Farm Industrial Estate, just off Goldington Road, Bedford MK41 0HS (opposite Waitrose). The store’s opening hours are 10am until 6pm during the week and 9am until 5.30pm on Saturdays with free parking available.
You can either visit the stores to try on the uniform and purchase the same day, click and collect from the store during opening hours or from school on two set days per week during term time. Home delivery is also an option.
No Limitz also offers a huge range of footwear, equipment and clothing for all major sports, and caters for all levels of ability from beginner to aspiring professional. As a BMS parent you are also entitled to receive a loyalty card which earns 10% cashback on all non-uniform purchases, so please be sure to claim this when in store.
Nearly New Uniform Shop
The Parents’ Association run a Nearly New Uniform Shop during term time. This is situated in the school quads and supplies items of current school uniform. For further information please click here.
OPRO Mouthguards
Following national governing body guidelines, it is recommended that children should wear a mouthguard from Year 4 onwards for Rugby and from Year 3 for Hockey. We are working with No Limitz to bring you the opportunity to purchase the recommended mouthguard supplied by OPRO. OPRO’s revolutionary fitting mechanism allows the student to take an instant dentist impression of their teeth whilst moulding their Custom-Fit mouthguard .
OPRO’s mouthguards can be found on No Limitz’s website here.
If you have any questions please contact No Limitz on 01234 350720 or by email shop@nolimitz.co.uk.
Please note, for orders that are placed before 30 June you are able to use our 10% discount code: BMS10.
It is our aim to provide an atmosphere and structure that gives students happiness and security, enabling them to fulfil their potential. There are clearly laid down routines and regular opportunities to discuss their application. Staff make themselves available to students at all reasonable times and students are encouraged to exercise a responsible attitude to each other. The emphasis is on positive discipline and building constructive relations between staff and students, and between students of all ages.
The staff are always available to parents and guardians for personal visits or phone calls. They share a common concern for the student’s welfare. Parents’ Evenings are organised for parents to meet staff. From time to time students will go through stressful periods at school just as they do at home. They are actively encouraged to speak to any member of staff, and should be assured that sympathetic support will be given. It is recognised that child abuse can be a problem for children from all backgrounds and that any child may be in need of protection. The School offers a support network of trained staff to receive and deal appropriately with any students.
Named member of staff:
Mrs J Goodacre (Deputy Head Pastoral)
Mr M Redmond (Deputy Head Pastoral of Junior School)
School Counsellor
Bedford Modern School has an established wellbeing team that work as part of the school’s broader pastoral structure. Staff within the team offer ad hoc and ongoing support for students to help them to address difficulties as they arise, offering them the opportunity to share how they are feeling as well as developing coping strategies. Where students are facing more significant challenges where counselling may be beneficial we have 2 independent confidential counsellors who visit the school on a weekly basis. Appointments are co-ordinated by the wellbeing team, referrals for counselling can be made by students, staff or parents. If you feel that your child may benefit from some additional support, please contact the pastoral team
It is the right of all children to receive their education without being humiliated, abused and oppressed. It is EVERYONE’S responsibility to ensure that it takes place in an atmosphere that is caring and protective.
What is bullying?
“Bullying may be defined as: Behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group, either physically or emotionally”.
Bullying can be PHYSICAL – what we do to somebody else.
Bullying can be VERBAL – what we say to somebody else.
Bullying can be CYBER ABUSE – what we write about somebody else or via pictures we might send using technological equipment.
Bedford Modern School does not tolerate bullying. What do we do?
- We encourage students to tell an adult if they are being bullied OR if they know someone who is being bullied
- We talk regularly and frequently with students about caring and concern for others
- We want to help the bullied child
- We want to help the bully to act in a thoughtful, responsible and friendly way
- We always take bullying seriously
- We listen well if a student or parent reports bullying
- We are vigilant for signs of bullying
- We always investigate the situation and respond quickly and appropriately
- We take action if we know bullying is occurring
- We involve parents at an early stage
- We follow up to make sure that the bullying has not continued.
It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent bullying. Please refer to our Anti-Bullying Policy available on our website for more information.
Sex Education
It is the School’s policy to develop each student’s awareness of their own sexual development, to understand changes as they take place and to see these in the context of similar developments in both the male and female of the species. The Sex Education programme will have two aspects: the purely physical aspects of development, and moral and human relationship questions. Under the Education Act 1993, parents have the right to withdraw their children from either part, or all, of the Sex Education provided by the school. However, this does not include Health education, which includes puberty. Initially, consent will be sought at the beginning of Year 5, however, prior to the summer term in Year 6 further details regarding the curriculum content will be communicated to parents. Parents wishing to withdraw their children from Sex Education must contact the Deputy Head Pastoral of the Junior School who will discuss with parents the benefits of receiving this important education and any detrimental effects that withdrawal might have on the child. We do not expect this right to be exercised frequently.
In addition to the above there is a comprehensive programme of PSHE (RSE), details of which can be found on the website here.
School Photography
Keeping you informed of events at Bedford Modern School, including the production of our magazines, school literature and website or social media uploads often involves news items that feature photographs of our students. We are very keen to celebrate the success of individuals and groups at BMS and we know that such publicity is a source of great pride for students, parents and staff.
When you signed the Acceptance Form, and thereby agreed to the School’s Terms and Conditions, you gave permission for us to obtain and use photographs or images of your child to use in the School’s promotional material as set out in paragraph 4.15. This includes, for example, use in any prospectus, the website or social media; for press and media purposes and educational purposes as part of the curriculum or extra-curricular activities.
However, if you change your mind and do not want photographs or images of your child to be used, please write immediately to the Head of the Junior School stating your position and requesting an acknowledgement of your letter and also do make sure that your child is aware. We can then make sure that the appropriate precautions are put into place.
The Parents' Association
All parents and guardians of students attending Bedford Modern School automatically become members of the Parents’ Association (membership is free). Parents are encouraged to attend the events that they organise and they welcome help with the planning and running of these events. Joining in the activities gives you the opportunity to meet and socialise with other parents. They run a number of social and fundraising events through the year but also support a number of school events such as discos and quiz nights, and refreshments at school productions. Find out more here.
Please see their welcome letter here.
School Rules - Years 3 - 6
Please note that school rules are subject to change.
Students are expected to maintain, both in and out of school, a high
standard of conduct and consideration for others.
Parents/carers are asked to ensure that children give priority and proper time
to evening homework; they should consult the School if they consider that
a child’s homework is too heavy or too light, or if they appear to be having
specific difficulty with it.
No child may interfere with the property belonging to others. Borrowing
without permission is regarded as stealing which is never acceptable and is
liable to the severest punishments, which may include exclusion.
Bullying is never acceptable and is again liable to the severest punishments.
Eating or drinking in classrooms or corridors is forbidden except at wet break
The sale or barter of articles on school premises is only allowed with the
specific permission of a child’s form teacher.
The name of the owner must be on all articles of clothing and on any
article of value brought into the School. The loss of any book or articles of
value must be reported at once. Those who lose exercise or textbooks must
replace them at their own expense. Unmarked and unclaimed property
will be disposed of after a reasonable interval. Parents are asked to ensure
that children, as far as possible, do not bring valuables or money to school
or to the playing fields. If brought, they must be kept on a child’s person,
or handed to a member of staff for safe keeping. The School accepts no
responsibility for private possessions and thus students are not encouraged to
bring items other than those which relate directly to school business.
Students are required to wear school uniform, and in outlook and personal
appearance to bring credit to the School at all times. School uniform will be
worn by teams and parties representing the School both at home and away,
on weekdays and on Saturdays (unless otherwise decreed). School uniform
need not be worn at school functions out of school hours, unless specifically
requested; mufti may only be worn during school hours when permission has
been granted by the Head of the Junior School on specific occasions.
Hair should be natural in colour and as a rule cuts should ensure hair is of a
consistent length with no obvious differences. Long hair must be tied back.
No tramlines or patterns should be shaved into hair or eyebrows.
Jewellery, including earrings, and makeup and nail varnish may not be worn
in the Junior School. This applies to all students. Religious headwear should be a plain colour and no longer than shoulder length. Requests for other religious considerations may be made to the Head of the Junior School.
No child may leave the school grounds during school hours unless permission
has been sought by the parents. When leaving the site they must be
collected from the Junior School Reception and delivered back if returned
within school hours.
Staff will take responsibility for children on the school site from 8.00am only.
Breakfast Club will be supervised by the nominated member of staff from
Students may come to school on bicycles only if they ride safely. Bicycles
must not be ridden on school premises or within the gates of the school field.
For added security, students must use the bicycle racks which can be found
in a variety of locations. The use of helmets when cycling is strongly advised.
No cause, except illness, is considered a sufficient excuse for absence from
school unless permission has been obtained beforehand. When leave of
absence is desired an application must be made to the Head of Junior
School by email, a reasonable time beforehand, stating the reason for which
leave is required.
Any absence should be reported through the Absence section on ‘My School
Portal’. If a child is likely to be away for three or more days, an email must be
sent to the School giving details. The child’s name, initials and form must be
stated clearly on all correspondence.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed in the Junior School. The only exception is for
those who travel to school via public transport. Children who are permitted
to bring phones must switch them off and hand them into the School Office
upon arrival at school. Any requests to have a mobile phone must be made
to the Deputy Head Pastoral of Junior School.
All breakage or damage must be reported at once to the Director of
Operations. Damage due to misbehaviour or negligence must be paid for by
a child’s parents.
All children are expected to join in school games and to play for school
teams when selected, unless excused for reasons of health.