Welcome to the Junior School

Welcome to bedford modern Junior School

It gives us great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our School. We are delighted that you have chosen Bedford Modern School for the ongoing education of your child and look forward to them joining us in September.

We feel it is important that you all have as much information as possible to help ease the transition into the Junior School and we have prepared this webpage which we hope will be of use in the coming weeks and months. All new Junior School students will receive a booklet which contains details such as key staff, important dates and what to expect on the first day.

You can access other useful and important information through our website such as the school calendar, term dates, transport details, a staff list or School Policy documents.

For more specific information about your own child, such as lesson timetables, academic documents, staff contact details and school reports, please login to the Parent Portal using your unique account details which will be sent to you by the end of Wednesday 05 June. On the Portal you will find various forms which need to be completed. We positively encourage regular contact and communication between home and school and your child’s Form Teacher will be the first and most important point of contact should you have any questions or queries.

Should you need any further help or advice please do not hesitate to contact our admissions team at admissions@bedmod.co.uk or on 01234 332690/659.

Being New at BMS

For the Students

Term Dates

Contacting the School

Absence from School

Start of Autumn Term 2024

Getting to School

First Day of the New School Year

Timings of the School Day

School Lunches

Transport to Bedford Modern School

After School


Homework Policy

Reports and Parents' Evenings

Academic Provision

Money and Smart Devices

Junior School Games

Co-curricular Activities

Behaviour Plan

School Uniform

OPRO Mouthguards


School Counsellor


Sex Education

School Photography

The Parents' Association

School Rules - Years 3 - 6