Welcome to Bedford Modern School
Welcome to bedford modern School
On this page you will find some general information about Bedford Modern School which we hope you will find of use immediately but also as a point of reference in the weeks and months ahead. We look forward to welcoming you to various events throughout the school year and very much hope that you will enjoy being part of the BMS community. Please contact us if you need any further information; we are here to help.
For the Students
There is a dedicated page for new students to find out more about life in the Senior School which can be found here.
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2024
Wednesday 04 September to Friday 13 December*
Half term: 2 weeks commencing Monday 21 October
Spring Term 2025
Tuesday 07 January to Friday 28 March*
Half term: 1 week commencing Monday 17 February
Summer Term 2025
Wednesday 23 April to Friday 11 July*
Half term: 1 week commencing Monday 26 May
*the last day of each term finishes at 12 noon
Term dates can always be found on the website here.
Contacting the School
Main School Reception: 01234 332500
General Email: reception@bedmod.co.uk
A full list of contacts is available here.
Absence from School
Please use the ‘Report an Absence’ button in My School Portal if your child is not able to attend school.
If you are unable to do this, please call the absence line on 01234 332579 on each day of any absence from school leaving your child’s name, year and tutor group, and the reason for absence BEFORE 10.00am. If a student is going to be absent for a period of time, for example due to a stay in hospital, we do not require notification each day, as long as we are advised of the expected absence period.
No cause except illness is considered sufficient excuse for absence from school, unless permission has been obtained beforehand. When planned leave of absence is desired, application must be made by letter to the Head of Year, a reasonable time beforehand stating the reason for which leave is desired. BMS discourages the taking of holidays during term time.
Arriving Late
If a student is late arriving at school they MUST sign in at the School Office stating the time and reason for lateness. Any student leaving the school site (permission having been granted) MUST sign out at Reception.
Induction Days and Start of Autumn Term 2024
The Autumn Term begins on Wednesday 04 September 2024. All students will have an opportunity to spend time with their form tutors, learn about the daily routine and become familiar with the geography of the building as part of an induction when they return to school. Further details on this will follow.
There will also be an opportunity for all parents to meet their children’s tutor during September.
Keeping in Touch
It is the School’s policy that there should be maximum co-operation between parents and staff here at BMS. Parents should therefore feel at liberty to contact us at any time either by email, telephone or letter. Contact details are available on our website but as a general rule, the Form Tutor should be the first point of contact. Please note that there is also a Parent Governor who can be contacted via the School.
Every day tutors will discuss activities and information for students via our ‘songsheet’. Parents can view this on My School Portal.
Information on clubs and activities is published on the website during each term. Please also follow BMS on our social media feeds to keep abreast of news and events.
The Harpur Trust Schools have a transport system both by voluntary parent groups and commercial suppliers. This is listed on our website here. More details can be obtained from our website and must be booked directly with each transport provider.
Parents who bring their children into school are respectfully asked to observe the signs on display and NOT to park in the space reserved for coaches. The gyratory is for dropping off and collecting students only and we politely request that those who are waiting for children park in a designated space.
Students should not be dropped off or collected on Manton Lane or between the roundabout and the bus stop on Clapham Road because this creates a serious traffic hazard. We understand that this is a problem for parents, but the safety of the children is of paramount importance.
Students must use designated crossing points on Manton Lane and are actively encouraged to use the bridge on Manton Lane when crossing the road. Students may not cross Clapham Road at the town side of the roundabout except at the Pelican crossing. Those approaching the School from Shakespeare Road should cross using the crossing on the Clapham Road side of the roundabout. Crossing the road to Sainsbury’s must take place at the traffic lights placed further away from the dangers of the roundabout.
School Uniform
A list showing the uniform requirements for 2024-25 can be downloaded here. All items of clothing should be clearly named. Please find our Uniform Policy here.
All uniform, including school shoes and sportswear is available to purchase from No Limitz which is situated at 25 Shuttleworth Road, Elms Farm Industrial Estate, just off Goldington Road, Bedford MK41 0HS (opposite Waitrose). The store’s opening hours are 10am until 6pm during the week and 9am until 5.30pm on Saturdays with free parking available.
You can either visit the stores to try on the uniform and purchase the same day, click and collect from the store during opening hours or from school on two set days per week during term time. Home delivery is also an option.
No Limitz also offers a huge range of footwear, equipment and clothing for all major sports, and caters for all levels of ability from beginner to aspiring professional. As a BMS parent you are also entitled to receive a loyalty card which earns 10% cashback on all non-uniform purchases, so please be sure to claim this when in store.
Nearly New Uniform Shop
The Parents’ Association run a Nearly New Uniform Shop during term time. This is situated on 69 Murdock Road, Manton Lane Industrial Estate (MK41 7PL) and supplies items of current school uniform. For further information please click here.
Breakfast Club/After School Care
There is a Breakfast Club which runs in the Refectory from 7.30am to 8.30am for students who arrive before 8.00am. There is no charge for this, but students will need to pay for any breakfast items they consume. No students should be on site before 7.30am unless a pre-arranged activity has been scheduled which the student will be attending.
Common Rooms open at 8.00am and any student wishing to arrive at this time should go directly to their Common Room. The Common Rooms will close at 4.30pm.
Many students will be able to take part in a range of supervised activities after school and co-curricular clubs lists are produced termly. The Library will be open after school until 6.00pm for students in all year groups, where they can read or complete homework and study quietly. Once the Library has closed, students must attend After School Care in the Refectory if they wish to remain on site prior to collection. All after school provision ceases at 6.00pm.
Academic lessons take place on weekdays, Monday through to Friday. School is open from 8.00am. Parents are reminded of their responsibility for the punctual arrival at school of their child. The timings of periods during the day are as follows:
Registration: 8.40 – 8.48am
Period 1: 8.50 – 9.40am
Period 2: 9.40 – 10.35am
Assembly/pastoral/break: 10.35 – 11.15am
Period 3: 11.20 – 12.10pm
Period 4: 12.10 – 1.05pm
Lunch: 1.05 – 2.15pm
Period 5: 2.20 – 3.10pm
Period 6: 3.10 – 4.00pm
BMS operates a two-week rolling timetable. Your child will be issued with a student organiser at the start of term clearly stating which rolling timetable day falls on each calendar day.
Students are free from academic commitments from 4.00pm. Afternoon games sessions may extend beyond 4.20pm and teams also play matches on Saturdays. All students selected to represent school teams must fulfil this commitment.
If any student misses their bus or is not collected at the arranged time they must return to School Reception. Their parents will be contacted immediately to make alternative arrangements.
In Years 7 and 8, students are assigned a tutor who is responsible for their welfare and is the first link between home and school. It is important to note that with the exception of Mathematics (which is set), Modern Languages and Design Technology (DT), students’ teaching groups and tutor groups are the same. There is a Head of Year for each year group, who holds overall responsibility delegated from the Headmaster for the academic progress, welfare and discipline of the Year 7 and 8 students. There is also an Assistant Head with pastoral and academic responsibility for Years 7 and 8.
During Year 7, all students follow the same basic curriculum. The subjects are: English, Mathematics, Combined Science, Geography, History, Religious Education, French, German, Spanish, ICT, Art, DT, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Key Skills (Sport) and Games. In Year 8 we add Latin and students choose to continue with two from French, German and Spanish.
In Year 9, tutor groups are rearranged and are in the care of a new Head of Year and Form Tutor who move up the School with them to Year 11. These revised groups are a mixture of existing BMS students and new students entering at 13+ and remain together until the end of Year 11. Students are placed in a teaching group (not related to their tutor group) through which the core subjects are taught. There is an Assistant Head with pastoral and academic responsibility for Years 9 to 11.
The core curriculum is English, Mathematics, Science (taught as three distinct subjects), Geography, History, Religious Education, Games, Physical Education and ICT. Students choose four from the following subjects (one of which has to be a Modern Foreign Language): French, German, Spanish, Latin, Art, Drama, DT and Music. GCSE courses are chosen after Parents’ Evening in Year 9.
In Year 10, students will all take a core of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and three separate Sciences. They will then choose at least one Language (French, German, Spanish or Latin), at least one Humanity (Classical Civilisation, Geography, History or Religious Studies) and others from a choice of: Art and Design, Design and Technology, Computer Science, Drama, Music and academic Physical Education. Students also have to do PSHE and non-academic Physical Education and Games.
All students in the Senior School have one tutorial period per fortnight which is used to deliver a mix of PSHE, Careers and Wellbeing as well as an opportunity to review their academic progress with their tutor.
Academic Provision
At Bedford Modern School we pride ourselves on offering a rich academic educational experience both inside and outside the classroom. The list below is not exhaustive, but provides some information on the dimensions of academic life here at BMS away from the everyday classroom lesson. Mrs Woodhouse is our SENDCo and leads on our Academic Support and individual needs provision on a day-to-day basis. Mr Matt McIntosh is our Head of Extension, and Mrs Denison is Head of Project Qualifications.
Academic Support: assistance provided by the Academic Support team to those with challenges to learning, including diagnosed, recognised learning need or disability. An exemplar student would be someone with dyslexia. Please see supporting information on Academic Support provision on our website here.
English as an Additional Language: assistance provided to those with significant English language needs through the Academic Support team.
Study Support: provided to those with generic study queries. An exemplar student would be someone gaining some help with generic revision skills in a study support session. Our Academic Support team are available in there each day to support individual students with any general academic need.
Subject Support: support provided by departments and other members of staff to those with generic study queries or specific subject concerns. An exemplar student would be someone struggling with algebra going to a Maths lunchtime session, or a student gaining some help with generic revision skills in a study support session run for anyone in the School.
Study Skills: techniques of relearning previously learnt information. At BMS we encourage students to develop study skills using methods that have an evidence-based approach, such as retrieval and interleaved practice. The aim is for students to begin to embed the techniques taught by their teachers and planning advice demonstrated by their pastoral teams during tutorials from Year 7 onwards.
Enrichment: aims to develop in students the soft skills that will enhance their school experience generally and also provide them with the aptitude to thrive in the wider world beyond school. The programme is enriching in and of itself, but also facilitates a greater engagement with other things, be they academic, co-curricular or non-school related.
Academic Extension: how we extend all students academically, in class and outside of the classroom. For example: specialised workshop sessions and access to the super-curricular booklet for Years 7–9; year-group extension days for Years 7-10; an Academic Scholar Programme aimed at our most able students; and opportunities for Year 10 and 12 students to undertake a formal project qualification on a topic of their choice. We aim to inspire all students with a love of learning and an intellectual thirst and curiosity that will remain after students leave BMS.
Project Qualifications: The Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) are super-curricular opportunities and formal qualifications students can undertake alongside their GCSEs and A Levels respectively. These courses allow students to discover the benefits of independent learning, take responsibility for their own study and develop life and study skills.
Students are required each evening to complete a programme of homework that is tailored to suit the different age groups. All homework is put onto Microsoft Teams and parents are able to view their child’s homework through My School Portal. Homework should not be done at morning break or lunchtime. The student organiser contains space for students to keep a record of homework set for each evening. The purpose of the homework record is to keep parents in touch with the work that is being set, and we ask parents to inspect these homework diaries regularly and check that work is being completed at home properly.
If parents feel their child is getting too much or too little homework they should contact the Form Tutor in the first instance. The amount of homework set will be (approximately) as follows:
Year 7: 40 minutes
Year 8: 1 hour
Year 9: 1–1.5 hours
Year 10 and 11: 1.5-2 hours
School Reports
Full reports on each subject are sent to parents in Year 7 to 10 once a year. All students receive interim reports, the exact timing of which varies by year group, but generally termly.
Stationery, Books and other Equipment
Please ensure that all items of clothing and all personal belongings, especially watches and expensive pens, are clearly marked with the owner’s name. All textbooks are issued on loan to students on the understanding that, apart from fair wear and tear, damage and loss are made good by the student to whom they are issued. All exercise books are provided by the School on the understanding that any that are lost or misused are replaced at the student’s own expense. For Mathematics, students will need a scientific calculator (we recommend the Casio fx-83 which is suitable up to GCSE level) and geometry equipment; it is suggested that calculators are marked with the owner’s name.
Students in the Senior School are allocated a locker in which to keep books and other kit. The School can accept no responsibility for any items of kit left on school premises. Parents are advised that students’ belongings, such as bicycles, calculators and musical instruments should be insured. Students should not have in their possession more money than is needed for basic daily needs. Items of value should be handed in for safekeeping during PE and Games sessions.
The School cannot be responsible for items that are not immediately relevant to a student’s educational needs; this includes mobile phones and personal electronic equipment.
Equipped to Learn
Students should come to school with the following equipment:
- Their student organiser (which will be issued on their first day)
- Exercise book/folder for each subject they have that day
- Textbooks for each subject they have that day
- A pencil case containing:
- At least two black pens plus one of another colour
- Two HB pencils
- Two highlighters of different colours
- A set of colouring pencils
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Clear plastic 30cm ruler
- Compasses
- Protractor
- Set square
- Eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Scientific calculator (please see above)
School Lunches
School lunches are available each day. Children are welcome to bring packed lunches. A Tuck Shop is available at least one day per week per year group.
Parents will need to complete a form to indicate their preferred option prior to the start of their child’s first year. A minimum of half a term’s notice must be given to stop taking lunches. Children can change to hot lunches with the minimum of notice.
The daily lunch charge is currently charged at £5.40 per day and the following termly charges will apply in 2024/25:
Autumn term 2024 £334.80 (62 days)
Spring term 2025 £286.20 (53 days)
Summer term 2025 £302.40 (56 days)
We do offer an ad hoc lunch option for those students who prefer to take only the occasional school meal, the charge for this currently is £6.15 per day.
Parents of younger students are advised to purchase full school lunches for their children. Many have a long day and need a proper mid-day meal.
School Nurses
The Nurse’s Department is staffed by Registered Nurses and provides support and care for students, staff and visitors of Bedford Modern School and offers the following:
- Supporting students with their medical conditions
- Assess and treat minor injuries, along with appropriate wound closure and wound care
- Assessing cases of ill health in school and responding accordingly
- Run a Concussion Clinic as required
- Maintain First Aid facilities throughout the school
- Coordinate vaccinations in accordance with the NHS Schools Immunisation Programme
- Promotion and advice for students on health and wellbeing issues
- Dispensing of over-the-counter medications and prescribed medications as required
- Produce Health Care Plans for students with health conditions
- Give training to school staff for medication administration for trips
- Give training to school staff for asthma, diabetes, adrenaline auto injectors and epilepsy rescue medication
The Nurse’s Department is located in the main school next to Reception, which has three separate rooms to maintain privacy. The nurses operate a drop-in facility for students during the school day. Students are advised (except in the case of emergencies) to access the Nurses Department during break and lunch times wherever possible in order to avoid missing lessons.
The School Nurses can be contacted directly by email at nurses@bedmod.co.uk or on 01234 332505.
School Counsellors
Bedford Modern School has an established wellbeing team that work as part of the school’s broader pastoral structure. Staff within the team offer ad hoc and ongoing support for students to help them to address difficulties as they arise, offering them the opportunity to share how they are feeling as well as developing coping strategies.
Where students are facing more significant challenges, where counselling may be beneficial, we have 2 independent confidential counsellors who visit the school on a weekly basis. Appointments are co-ordinated by the wellbeing team. Referrals for counselling can be made by students, staff or parents. If you feel that your child may benefit from some additional support, please contact the pastoral team.
If you would like any further information on the support that we offer students for their emotional wellbeing, please contact Miss Harbour in the first instance.
Games and Physical Education
All students participate in physical education in year 7. The year 7 curriculum is designed to give students experiences in physical activities outside of the core game programme. The PE curriculum focusses on half term blocks of swimming, racket sports and athletic development. All students have two lessons of PE and 6 lessons ( 3 double lessons) of Games per cycle.
The games curriculum encourages all year 7 students to participate in team sports, promoting values of collaboration, leadership and humility. Games lessons are delivered by games teachers and specialist sports coaches and are supported by competitive, inter school fixtures and competitions, that usually take place on a Saturday.
All year 7 boys play Rugby in the Autumn term. A non-contact version of the game is also on offer. In the following terms, boys participate in Football or Hockey in the Spring, and Cricket in the Summer term. All girls play Hockey in the Autumn, followed by Netball in the Spring and Cricket in the Summer.
Sports Fixtures
Sports fixtures are an important part of school life. Fixtures take place on a Saturday and during the week and all students are expected to make themselves available to represent the school. Requests for absence should be made to the Head with a minimum of half a term’s notice and should be for significant events, such as a family wedding or similar.
It is important that all students are able to commit to Saturday fixtures so the school can honour its extensive, competitive fixture list across all sports. The school relies on the commitment of all students to fulfil fixtures across all levels which in turn allows every student an opportunity to represent the school on the sports field. Should you feel you are unable to commit to Saturday sports fixtures, you must contact the Director of Sport & Fitness, Mr Kirkpatrick.
All fixtures are published half a term in advance on SOCS. This platform is also used to select and publish teams on a weekly basis. In addition to this a copy of the team sheet is emailed to the student and parents.
We thank you in advance for your support and will in turn provide your child with a positive sporting experience.
OPRO Mouthguards
Following national governing body guidelines it is recommended that children should wear a mouthguard.
We are working with No Limitz to bring you the opportunity to purchase the recommended mouthguard supplied by OPRO. OPRO’s revolutionary fitting mechanism allows the student to take an instant dentist impression of their teeth whilst moulding their Custom-Fit mouthguard .
OPRO’s mouthguards can be found on No Limitz’s website here.
If you have any questions please contact No Limitz on 01234 350720 or by email shop@nolimitz.co.uk.
Please note, for orders that are placed before 30 June you are able to use our 10% discount code: BMS10.
The Co-Curricular clubs and activities that are on offer at BMS are many and varied, ranging from sport to craft, through to music and academic reinforcement. Each member of staff offers at least one club on a weekly basis and these occur on a fixed day of the week. Further details can be found here.
School Trips
In a typical year, we organise more than 150 trips, some of which are included within school fees but not all. Some trips directly support the curriculum and run within the school day, for example all Year 7 students usually go to Wrest Park to study Art and all Year 8 students will visit Hunstanton to study Geography. Other trips, are run after school, for example a Year 9 Drama trip to the West End.
Residential trips, including a long-running exchange with Bamberg in Germany for students in Year 9 and above, also feature as do cultural tours to France and Spain.
We run annual sports tours which have included a rowing camp for Year 9 to Year 13, a biennial senior football tour in Europe, a Netball and Rugby tour to South Africa and an annual ski trip. Water sport activity holidays run each summer to the Mediterranean for younger students.
Outdoor education opportunities begin for students in Year 7 with a week of activities during term time, two days of which are based locally but students also spend three days away with two nights under canvas. In Year 8 all students spend a week at an Outward Bound Centre in West Wales, whilst in Year 9, students can opt to join the Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, both of which provide weekend and holiday opportunities.
In the Sixth Form students may have the opportunity to visit Iceland with Geography, Washington with Politics, New York with Performance Arts, alongside student-led expeditions which involve trekking and volunteering projects. Recent examples include Ecuador and India.
School Photography
Keeping you informed of events at Bedford Modern School, including the production of our magazines, school literature and website or social media uploads often involves news items that feature photographs of our students. We are very keen to celebrate the success of individuals and groups at BMS and we know that such publicity is a source of great pride for students, parents and staff.
When you signed the Acceptance Form, and thereby agreed to the School’s Terms and Conditions, you gave permission for us to obtain and use photographs or images of your child to use in the School’s promotional material as set out in paragraph 4.15. This includes, for example, use in any prospectus, the website or social media; for press and media purposes and educational purposes as part of the curriculum or extra-curricular activities.
However, if you change your mind and do not want photographs or images of your child to be used, please write immediately to the Headmaster stating your position and requesting an acknowledgement of your letter and also do make sure that your child is aware. We can then make sure that the appropriate precautions are put into place.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Bedford Modern School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children defined for statutory purpose as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. We aim to create a warm and supportive environment where students feel safe and secure.
From time to time students will go through stressful periods at school just as they do at home. They are actively encouraged to speak to any member of staff, and should be assured that sympathetic support will be given.
It is recognised that child abuse can be a problem for children from all backgrounds and that any child may be in need of protection. The School offers a support network of trained staff to receive and deal appropriately with any student concern. Named member of staff:
Mrs J Goodacre (Deputy Head Pastoral) Miss E Harbour (Mental Health Lead) Mr J Bungard (Deputy Head Pastoral of Junior School)
It is the right of all children to receive their education without being humiliated, abused and oppressed. It is EVERYONE’S responsibility to ensure that it takes place in an atmosphere that is caring and protective. Bullying may be defined as: behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group, either physically or emotionally.
Bullying can be PHYSICAL – what we do to somebody else.
Bullying can be VERBAL – what we say to somebody else.
Bullying can be CYBER ABUSE – what we write about somebody else or via pictures we might send using technological equipment.
Bedford Modern School does not tolerate bullying of any kind:
- We encourage students to tell an adult if they are being bullied OR if they know someone who is being bullied
- We talk regularly and frequently with students about caring and concern for others
- We want to help the bullied child
- We want to help the bully to act in a thoughtful, responsible and friendly way
- We always take bullying seriously
- We listen well if a student or parent reports bullying
- We are vigilant for signs of bullying
- We always investigate the situation and respond quickly and appropriately
- We take action if we know bullying is occurring
- We involve parents at an early stage
- We follow up to make sure that the bullying has not continued.
It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent bullying. Please refer to our Anti-Bullying Policy available on the BMS website for more information.
BMS Expectations Charter
We should:
- Be independent
• Be ‘Equipped to Learn’ for every lesson
• Learn from our mistakes
• Take control of our own learning through pro-activity and reflection
• Ask questions when we require clarification
• Give 24 hours’ notice if we are to miss an activity or lesson or part thereof
• Catch up with missed work without being reminded. - Be ambitious
• Be positive about what we, and others, can achieve
• Be enthusiastic learners and do everything to the best of our ability
• Spend focused time on our work, present it well and take pride in it
• Participate in all discussions and activities and not hang back
• Aim high through knowing our strengths and weaknesses
• Tackle difficult problems and activities
• Take risks, go outside our comfort zone and not be afraid to ‘fail’
• Take pride in the recognition of our successes
• Involve ourselves in all the opportunities available to us. - Be considerate
• Be honest and co-operative in our dealings with others
• Move around the School site in a calm and orderly way
• Show respect and tolerance for each other’s views and ideas
• Treat everyone as we would like to be treated
• Listen carefully when others are talking
• Help, encourage and praise others
• Respect both the school environment and all the equipment in it
• Wear our uniform with pride in school and outside. - Be prepared
• Arrive punctually to every activity
• Be ‘Equipped to Learn’ for every lesson
• Submit and return all work punctually.
School Rules - Years 7-11
Please note that school rules are subject to change.
All students will adhere to the BMS Expectations Charter. This includes when they are at school but also on their journey to and from school as well as on school trips, sports fixtures or at any other times when representing BMS.
All members of the school community will be polite and courteous to each other at all times. This includes holding doors open for visitors and each other and walking sensibly around the School.
Students are permitted to eat in ‘designated eating areas’ only; eating in classrooms and corridors is forbidden. Chewing gum is not allowed on the school site.
Possession or use of illegal drugs or other harmful substances is considered a very serious offence and renders the possessor liable to exclusion. Students are not permitted to carry items that could be used as weapons.
It is an offence to smoke, including e-cigarettes, on school premises or in public during school hours, when in school uniform or when engaged in any school activity.
No student may interfere with the property belonging to others. Borrowing without permission is regarded as stealing and is liable to the severest of consequences, which may include exclusion.
Students are required to wear their school uniform correctly and take pride in their personal appearance at all times. Variations from the agreed uniform list are not permitted. Students may wear a plain dark coat (colouring for road safety is permitted). Hoodies (including school sports or leavers’ hoodies) are not to be worn as a replacement jumper or coat.
Students may wear a small, simple, single stud in each ear lobe. For health and safety reasons, no other jewellery should be worn and no other body piercings are permitted. Makeup is not allowed for Year 7 and 8 students. Makeup for students in Year 9 and upwards must be discrete.
In extreme weather, adjustments may be made to the uniform at the discretion of the Head.
Hair styles must be such that they can easily be kept neat and are not ostentatious. Short hair should not be excessively short, no shorter than grade two, or have extreme difference in length between the sides and the top (including shave lines). Facial hair is not permitted. Religious considerations are accepted, but a letter of explanation must be sent to the Head.
Students may come to school on bicycles only if they ride safely. Bicycles must not be ridden on school premises or within the gates of the school field.For added security, students must use the bicycle racks which can be found in a variety of locations. The use of helmets when cycling is strongly advised.
The School cannot accept responsibility for any bicycles or vehicles parked on school premises. Pillion passengers should not be carried on cycles, motorcycles or motor scooters. Cars should not be parked on school premises or at the school field/King Room without special permission.
Students who travel to school via public or private coaches are expected
to behave safely and appropriately at all times, following both the BMS Expectations Charter and the individual bus companies’ Codes of Conduct where appropriate.
No student may leave the school grounds during the school day unless permission (leave of absence) has been obtained by their Head of Year/School Nurse and they have signed out at Reception. Students are not permitted to leave the school site after 4pm and then return to the School (e.g. having visited the shops) unless in exceptional circumstances.
Mobile phones and other electronic items
Electronic items including, but not limited to, mobile phones and smart watches and valuable items should not be brought into school. Personal electronic devices should only be used outside the school premises. If any of these devices are brought into school, BMS accepts no responsibility for loss or theft.
Mobile phones or similar devices are not allowed in the refectory at lunchtime or when in the corridors and walking around the school site.
Mobile phones should only be used in areas limited to sixth form only or when specific permission has been provided by a member of staff.
Smart device use in Years 7 and 8
Students in Years 7 to 11 may bring a phone to school with parental permission but it must be switched off and kept out of sight when on school grounds unless there are exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangement with a member of staff. In these circumstances, a time and place will be agreed for a phone call or text.
Any urgent message to or from parents/guardians should go via the School Reception or the School Office.
Students may be allowed mobile phones on trips and fixtures; this will be agreed in advance and communicated by the relevant member of staff.
Smart device use in Years 9-11
Students in Years 9-11 may use their phones or smart watch during the school day for teaching and learning purposes when given express permission by their teacher.
During examination periods, there will be special dispensation given to students in Year 11 where appropriate and as agreed with their Head of Year.
All breakage or damage to school property must be reported at once and may be payable at the student’s expense.
The School should be informed at the beginning of each term by a letter to the Form Tutor of any outside employment undertaken by a student.
Games are compulsory for all students unless excused for health reasons. Students are expected to arrive and depart from school in their full school uniform.
The School expects all students to make themselves available for sports fixtures, both mid-week and at weekends, and to follow the guidelines regarding appearance and conduct when representing the School both home and away. Failure to do so may result in a disciplinary sanction. On rare occasions when there is a significant clash (such as a family wedding) requests should be made in advance to the Head in writing.
Rewards and Sanctions
Rewards System
This system is cumulative and runs throughout Years 7-11:
- The key building block for the Reward System at BMS is the Eagle Point. These are awarded when the student exceeds our expectation in one of the following areas: Academic (attainment or effort), Citizenship, Co-curricular and House.
- Please note that for some key co-curricular activities such as sports teams, major drama productions and concerts, participation in itself is deemed a reward, and thus Eagle Points will not be awarded in these circumstances.
Students can keep track of their progress via the student portal.
Sanction System
Level 1: Supervised by teacher/tutor – record kept.
Level 2: Subject/Head of Year Detention (lunchtime – 30 minutes) – recorded centrally by Head of Subject/Head of Year, supervised by Faculty member/Head of Year. Tutor informed. Parents informed via the Parent Portal.
Level 3: After School Detention (one hour) – recorded centrally and letter sent to parents. Tutor/Head of Year informed.
Level 4: Leadership Detention (plus interview) – letter sent to parents. On the second occasion a contract will be drawn up and agreed by student, parents and the School. Tutor/Head of Year informed.
Level 5: Senior Deputy Head’s interview – will automatically generate a letter home to parents warning of the consequences of any further similar behaviour – in some circumstances this interview could lead to suspension or permanent exclusion.
Level 6: Suspension – between one and five days. This will be determined by the Headmaster in consultation with his Deputies.
Level 7: Permanent Exclusion. Decision taken by the Headmaster.
Escalation over the course of an academic year
- Work will be set for completion during detentions by the appropriate person
- A student can be given any of the sanctions mentioned above immediately, if the offence warrants that particular punishment, WITHOUT going through the lower level sanctions
- If a student fails to attend a detention of any description without a very good reason, they can expect the punishment to automatically escalate to the next level.
The Parents' Association
All parents and guardians of students attending Bedford Modern School automatically become members of the Parents’ Association (membership is free). Parents are encouraged to attend the events that are organised and help is always welcomed with the planning and running of these events. Joining in these activities gives you the opportunity to meet and socialise with other parents. They run a number of social and fundraising events through the year but also support a number of school events such as discos and quiz nights, and refreshments at school productions. Find out more here.
Please see their welcome letter here.