Junior School Head’s Blog – 17 Jun
Junior School Head’s Blog
The trot is becoming a canter towards the end of term. Whilst the staff have been busy compiling reports, the events and activities continue apace.
It was fantastic to have the opportunity to visit the children in Year 4 who all had a wonderful residential trip; I am sure that you will join me in a big thank you to all the staff who accompanied them. There was definitely a buzz of excitement sprinkled with tiredness when they arrived back on Friday afternoon!
On Tuesday 18 June the children in Year 6 will be going on their walk from Willington back to school. They have already been told what they need to take with them, but having seen the forecast they may wish to make sure they have some waterproofs with them!
On Wednesday Year 6 will be taking part in their move up day in the Senior School. This will be a great opportunity for them to experience what life will be like in September. This will not, however, be a quiet day in the Junior School as those in Year 3, 4 and 5 will also have the chance to meet their new form teacher and spend time with their new classmates for the day. You should already have received an email about this day but for those who have forgotten I have asked all the children to come to school in mufti. Whilst the content of the day may be different from usual, the timings of the school day will remain the same, with after school care running as normal.
This week is production week and I know that the children involved will do their very best. This year’s offering is “Fantastic Mr Fox” directed by Mr Moss and Mrs Harpin and from what I have seen I think we are in for a real treat! There is a dress rehearsal during the school day on Thursday and hopefully they will remember everything they need to do for the performances on Thursday and Friday evening at 7pm.
In addition many children will be participating in the field events element of the House Athletics Sports Day at various points during the morning of Friday 21 June, weather permitting. They should know if they are involved and should ensure that they have their PE kit in school to enable them to take part. The points achieved will be put towards the main event which takes place on the afternoon of Monday 24 June (next week). For Sports Day next Monday the children have been asked to come to school in their PE kit with House T-shirt (so that they are less likely to lose any uniform items) and they should also have sun cream, a school cap and plenty of water to drink.
As if that isn’t enough to keep us busy there are still several fixtures throughout the week and many of the teams, when rain has not stopped play, appear to be enjoying several successes which is particularly good news. Well done to all the players and staff involved in maintaining this high standard of sport.
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School