Junior School Head’s Blog – 08 Jul
Junior School Head’s Blog
Thank you to 4KRH for entertaining us with their assembly about Burwell House last week. What a great job they did of explaining all the activities they had been up to and most impressively it had been written entirely by themselves. Very well done, 4KRH (and Mrs Harpin for her encouragement!)
We celebrated the successes of many of our cohort at Prize-giving on Thursday evening but I must say how pleased and impressed I have been whilst reading the reports of all the children in the Junior School at the end of their current year of study. They are all doing so well. These reports will be published via the Parent Portal this week.
It was lovely to see those who were able to join the Year 6 children for their celebration assembly and picnic event on Friday afternoon. It turned out to be a fantastic occasion with many determined to hold back the tears of pride when the whole of Year 6 sang – fabulous!
We have Open Classroom events for Years 3 and 4 after school today and another one for Year 5 tomorrow. Both are very informal and are designed to allow your children to sit down and share the work that they have covered over the year with their parents. They run from 3pm until 4.30pm and the intention is that parents can stay for a little or long as they wish within those times.
Good luck to the Lads and Dads as they enjoy their cricket match on Tuesday after school. Having spoken to a few of you on the side-lines in recent weeks it could prove to be an entertaining event!
Wednesday marks our final non-uniform day of the school year which is always planned to coincide with our annual Charities afternoon. As a special dispensation, any child who has lost all their uniform points may attend school in mufti in exchange for a donation to charity. This year our chosen charity is Carers in Bedfordshire which has been mentioned previously. The children have decided how they want to raise money in their classes and they will, of course, need some pennies to spend on other class stalls – small denominations will make their spending easier.
And finally we reach the end of, what seems to have been, a very long school year. I wish everyone connected with the Junior School a long, warm and restful summer break. Keep safe, have fun and recharge those very rundown batteries!
Best wishes to you all and see you in September!
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School