Junior School Head’s Blog 02 March 2020
Our Year 5-6 Choirs will be representing the school at the Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama on Saturday 07 March. In addition several individuals have also been entered for the Speech and Drama and/or Music competitions during next week so please make sure that your children know what they have to do if they are taking part. All I ask is that they all do their best and enjoy themselves. I wish them the very best of luck!
Thursday 05 March marks World Book Day and as a new addition we are inviting those who wish to, the opportunity to dress up as a favourite book character. Many of the staff are also joining in so be warned when you come to collect your children at the end of the day! The staff have also been asked to choose exerts from their favourite childhood books to share with the children throughout the day. Isn’t it lovely to be able to celebrate the joy that literature can bring!
The children in Years 3 and 4 will also be able to take part in a Creative Prayer session on Thursday. It will be lovely and quiet as they take part in their class sessions led by Joanne Gaunt, our regular visitor to assembly. This follows on from the Year 5 and 6 Prayer Spaces opportunity just after half term.
Sport Relief runs from 9-13 March this year and the Junior School will be organising a number of events in which the students can get involved, as follows:
- On Monday 9 March, Miss Quinn will be leading a morning ‘Wake-Up-Shake-Up’ fitness session on the main playground at 8.15am and we hope all children (and staff!) will take part.
- Starting on Monday 9 March, for Sport Relief week, we will be selling healthy snacks, such as fresh and dried fruit, rice cakes and oat biscuits, at morning break with all money raised going to Sport Relief.
- For House Football and House Netball, the students can pay £2 to wear different socks (maybe their favourite football team) a wig and / or a funny hat. These items will only be allowed to be worn during Games with all other kit being normal Games attire and House t-shirt. Money should be given to form tutors during morning registration on the day. Year 3 and 4 girls have a netball match against Northampton on Friday 13 March so they will be able to pay £2 to wear different socks, a wig or hat for this event.
- On Wednesday 11 March at 1.30pm, Jemma Barney will lead a 30-minute Zumba/dance session. We are asking for a donation of £2 in advance for children to participate. Children should give the money to their form tutors no later than Friday 6 March.
- Finally, we will be selling Sport Relief wristbands for £1 each from Monday 24 February. Wristbands will be available from the school office.
We hope that the children will enjoy participating in these activities whilst raising money for a very worthwhile cause.
We welcome back Mrs Crawford-Smith from her maternity leave – I am sure that she will very quickly feel as if she has never been away.
With just four weeks left until the end of term, it is very much a case of heads down for hard work.
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School