Junior School Head’s Blog 10 February 2020
Thanks must go to 5MJR and Mr Redmond for their assembly last week. Their chosen theme was Mark Beaumont’s trip around the world in 2017 which provided an interesting basis for sharing information about many of the countries he visited in his 79 day tour. Well done, 5MJR; another great assembly.
This Tuesday, Year 3 will be enjoying their Rocks and Soils day in school. Thank you in advance to all the parents who have volunteered to help out so that the children can learn through direct experience as a change from normal lessons.
On both Tuesday and Wednesday all of the children will be treated to a visit from the Mind Map charity to undergo some resilience training. If the parent events are anything to go by I am sure that the children will learn a great deal and be better prepared for the challenges ahead of them in a whole range of activities.
The half term break begins on Friday after school. It might be wise to use the holiday as an opportunity for a stock-take of uniform and stationery so that the children return fully equipped on Monday 24 February. If any stray items turn up amidst your own child’s, please return them to school so that we can reunite them with their owner.
Have a lovely family week.
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School