Junior School Head’s Blog 13 January 2020
The term got off to a quiet and very purposeful start. The children arrived back in a positive frame of mind and all appear to have grown in confidence since I last saw them. It is now that all the hard ground work of last term starts to show; everyone is settled firmly into a routine and the learning can continue apace.
All being well, we will be running our Computer Assessments for external candidates in school during this week. This culminates in the final part for all candidates on Saturday 18 January. I am looking forward to meeting all the children and their families and I hope that they enjoy their time with us.
Although we have had a very mild start to the year I am aware that the weather usually becomes very cold in January and when it does, the biting wind always blows across our playgrounds. Please make sure that your children are correctly dressed for this weather (including hats, scarves and gloves which comply with the uniform rules) and that all these items are named. Thank you.
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School