Junior School Head’s Blog 06 January 2020
Happy New Year to you all!
I do hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and have managed to sustain those resolutions! It was particularly nice to be able to have a little time after all the festivities before returning to school although it was still a shock to the system when the alarm went off this morning.
If I did not get the chance to speak to you personally at the end of last term, I would like to thank you for all the cards and presents that you kindly sent in to school. They are very much appreciated and the words that you write remind me of why we all do this job – thank you so much.
I would also like to thank all who generously donated to the Christmas in a Box appeal – we waved 36 boxes off on Monday 09 December and I am sure they were gratefully received by those who are in need. In addition, our Christmas Jumper day raised £430 which meant we ended the term on a real high note!
The term starts gently for most of the children, but the rate of work will quickly pick up as they fall back into their well-established routines. Miss Hendrie has returned from her maternity leave and will be taking up the helm in 5CH once again.
I am also pleased to announce that we will be joined by two new members of staff in the Junior School office. Mrs Kerry Prior will be working between the hours of 8am and 11am and Mrs Kerri Harding will take up the reins between 1pm and 5.30pm. This means that the office phone will now be manned from 8am until 5.30pm every day. We warmly welcome both members of staff and I am sure that you will quickly get to know them. To ensure that all messages get through to the correct person we have created a generic email address for parents which is effective immediately and is as follows; jsreception@bedmod.co.uk
As mentioned on the final Blog of last term, the parent information events will be running this week to take you through the year group information for the spring and summer terms. The dates and times will be:
Year 3 Wednesday 08 January 4.30 – 5.15pm
Year 4 Thursday 09 January 4.30 – 5.15pm
Year 5 Wednesday 08 January 5.15 – 6.00pm
Year 6 Thursday 09 January 5.15 – 6.00pm
As I glance at the fixture list for the coming weeks I am amazed by the sheer number that have already been arranged. Please make sure that you make a note of any that may involve your children so that they are available to play if selected.
You will have already received this term’s clubs list which was sent out in December. Many clubs do not start until next week, but some will begin this week. Signing up sheets for the children will appear on the clubs noticeboard this week, but please refer to the detailed list which was emailed to you (and can also be found on the Parent Portal) for the start dates.
And so, as the cold north wind doth try to blow, the new term begins – how exciting!
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School