Junior School Head’s Blog 25 November 2019
Rehearsals are picking up apace for the Christmas Production, which takes place on 05 and 06 of December. Please ensure that your children have their costumes in school this week. You should also have been able to book your tickets through a new online system this year and as many of you attend more than one performance please keep them in a safe place and make a note of the performance times too. If you were unable to secure tickets for the performance on Friday 06 December at 7pm and would like to be put onto a waiting list, please let Mrs Smith in the office know. Thank you.
Well done to all the children who have already taken part in fixtures so far this term. According to my list there are still plenty yet to take place – I am sure the teams will continue to perform to their very best and enjoy the experience. Good luck to the many teams who will be representing the school during the rest of the term.
PLEASE NOTE: For those of you who are new to the school, please be aware that Friday 13 December is our last day of term and as such the children finish at 12 noon; we operate a half day at the end of each term.
To update you with some staffing news. After over 10 years of service, Mrs Mayfield has decided that the time has come for a change of career and will therefore be leaving us at the end of this term. I am sure you will join me in wishing her the very best of fortune in her new role which she is able to take on now that her children are no longer of school age. We are currently in the process of finding a suitable replacement to fill this pivotal role in the Junior School.
The season of sparkle and goodwill is nearly upon us…I’m off to write my letter to Father Christmas!
Keep marching sprightly on!
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School