Junior School Head’s Blog 18 November 2019
Thank you to 6CB for their assembly last Wednesday which was all about Treasure Island. Apparently Robert Louis Stevenson would have been celebrating his 169th birthday if he were still alive today and yet his story of the sea and several famous pirates still lives on as a well-known tale today. It was an entertaining dramatic piece told extremely well by the children – very well done to 6CB and Mr Barrow!
Last Friday witnessed our first “Non-Uniform Day” and I was delighted to see so many of the children wearing mufti for the day as this shows that they are keeping themselves smart on a daily basis. I very much hope that this continues throughout their time in the Junior School!
How kind of you all for your support with our sponsored Zumbathon last Monday. I am delighted to report that we have raised £1217 for The Mind Map charity so far – a very worthwhile cause. And what a lot of fun we had in the process! Our thanks also goes to Jemma Barney who led us with such energy and enthusiasm.
I understand that the U11 Hockey and Rugby teams had a very enjoyable time on their respective tours to North London and the West Country over the weekend. Thanks must go to the staff who accompanied the boys and girls and congratulations must go to the children for their fine representation of our school.
This year we have decided to once again support the Christmas in a Box appeal, a very worthy charity organised by Bedford Foodbank, which provides food for those less fortunate over the festive season. Each class has been asked to fill two boxes and we hope that you will support the children in this venture. Perhaps they could earn the money needed to purchase the items by doing some household chores for you at home?
Tuesday 19 November sees the final of our two Parents’ Evenings take place between 4pm and 6pm. ASC runs free of charge to allow parents to visit the form teacher whilst their children are cared for so please make use of this facility.
It is clearly the lull before the storm of Christmas Production week, which begins on Monday 2 December. You will soon be sent an email giving you details of the final arrangements so please keep it in a safe place for easy reference and, most importantly, make sure that your children know what arrangements they have on each performance day (writing these details in your child’s planner also helps enormously).
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School