Junior School Head’s Blog 14 October 2019
Well, House Music certainly lived up to expectation. It was a fantastic day and so very enjoyable for everyone involved. Each house won a category but the overall winner was Kaye. My thanks go to all the staff both musical and non-musical for their energy and enthusiasm, our guest adjudicator Laura Melhuish for her judgement in the face of a very tough decision and of course the children themselves. Such fun!
I do hope you are all looking forward to the half term holiday – it is always a very welcome break in the longest term of the school year and I have already spotted a few tired children (and members of staff!) on occasion.
During last week we said a temporary “au revoir” to Miss Hayman who has started her maternity leave. We wish her and her partner the very best of happiness as they welcome their first child into the family – I will keep you posted with the details! During her absence, please note that any queries regarding fixtures should be directed to Mrs Leydon in the first instance.
The second half of term sees rehearsals for the Christmas Production pick up apace. All the children in the Junior School will be involved and those in Years 3, 4 and 5 will work on their contributions during Music and Drama lessons. However, the onus is on Year 6 to display their dramatic prowess by taking on the speaking roles, something they manage to do with great aplomb year on year.
On Tuesday the children in Year 5 will be journeying to the Thinktank in Birmingham to enrich their Science topics for this year. I am sure that they will learn a huge amount from the experience though it will definitely be much quieter than normal in school whilst they enjoy their day out.
The BMSPA have been (or will be!) communicating with you about a couple of events they are putting on next half term. The Family Quiz Night takes place on Saturday 23 November (5-7pm) and tickets will be on sale soon. This is followed in the final week of term by our annual Christmas Shopping experience, information will be sent out this week by the BMSPA. It is very important that the children recognise that they should be earning any money they wish to spend and the half term break is an ideal opportunity for you to see super clean and tidy bedrooms and an empty dishwasher every day! Enjoy the house elf service while it lasts!
Finally, you will be able to access your child’s first Report Card for this academic year via the My School Portal from Friday 8 November after half term. It will contain grades for effort and attainment in the core curriculum subjects only and effort grades in all other subjects but there will not be a written comment; the intention being that you can discuss your child’s progress with their form teacher at the Parents’ Evenings which are planned for 14 and 19 November. Details on how to book an appointment will be sent out later this week.
Have a lovely break and, despite the dip in temperature, I hope the sun shines brightly!
Mrs J Rex
Head of Junior School