BMS Junior School Celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week 2022 11 February 2022
This week, students in our Junior School have recognised Children’s Mental Health Week (CMHW) by taking part in various activities. This is the eighth annual CMHW since the charity Place2Be launched the first in 2015, aiming to provide connections and resources for schools and youth groups around the UK to look after children’s wellbeing. This year’s theme is ‘Growing Together’, and the aim is to encourage children and adults to reflect on their own personal growth, and consider how they can help others to grow.
All students in Years 3-6 have enjoyed at least one session each day focusing on wellbeing, and homework for the week has been replaced with suggestions of self-care activities to try out each evening. Examples include baking, caring for pets, reading and playing games.
An array of activities have also been taking place in classrooms. Year 3 have been looking at how to use the internet safely, and Year 4 have been creating ribbon hearts as an exercise in mindfulness. Students in Year 5 have been busy making positivity jars filled with affirmations and notes from friends and teachers reminding them of their best qualities. And Year 6 had a fitting end to the week with a mini spa session in their classroom, having fun with facemasks and relaxing music ahead of their well-deserved half term break.
Junior School Deputy Head, Mrs Pacyna, commented: “It is wonderful that so many of our students have been engaging with the activities we have provided for them this week. The creativity and independence shown in their evening wellbeing activities has been great to see.
“Whilst the wellbeing of our students is always at the heart of everything we do, it has been so special to dedicate this week to specifically discuss the importance of looking after their physical and mental health.”
CMHW has also been observed in the wider school community with a number of assemblies devoted to the topic, as well as a table of literature displayed in our Refectory to raise awareness of the services on offer to all our students. In the BMS Senior School we have a dedicated wellbeing area, occupied by three members of staff who are trained to offer support and are always on hand to speak with our students.