Tax-Free Childcare and Childcare Vouchers
Tax-free childcare and Childcare Vouchers
We are happy to accept both childcare vouchers and HMRC Government Tax-free Childcare payments for Holiday Activity Courses.
Places on activity courses cannot be confirmed until we have received full payment notification from HMRC or your voucher provider.
Online Bookings – please book online by selecting the ‘Paying by Voucher’ button.
VERY IMPORTANT – In all cases the school must receive full payment notification from your voucher provider within 7 days of your booking otherwise places will be cancelled. To avoid cancellation please request payment before or at the time of booking courses.
We have registered with the following childcare voucher providers:
Computershare (Ref: 0020970709)
Busy Bees Benefits
Edenred (Ref: P20927320)
Care-4 (Ref: 95876032)
Sodexo (Ref: 835172)
Fideliti (Ref: BED015C)
Co-operative (Ref: 85109521)
Apple Childcare Vouchers (Ref: CA00007892)
Salary Exchange
Fair Care
All Save
R G Childcare
Employers for Childcare
Gemelli (BE3552)
Enjoy Benefits
If your provider is not listed, we are happy to add further companies on request. Please contact the Holiday Activity Course Office on 01234 332667.