A Level Results 2020 14 August 2020
Students at BMS marked the conclusion of the most extraordinary few months yesterday as they received their A Level results at home rather than at school.
Headmaster, Alex Tate, said: “In line with the national picture, nearly 40% of all A Level grades at BMS were downgraded. Year-on-year our students achieve consistently high results which is why this year’s set of grades does not fairly represent the results this cohort of students should have received and deserved. Our centre-assessed grades were created using the strict guidance issued by Ofqual, were objective and in line with our historical averages. I am saddened that individuals appear to have been ignored in the implementation of a national standardisation process. We now await further guidance on the process for appeals including the last minute decision to allow students to appeal based on their mock results.
“There were, of course, many who did receive outstanding grades which were well earned. I am also delighted that the majority of our students have now secured arrangements for the next stage of their lives and we are celebrating that more than the grades themselves. These remarkable young men and women have had to endure so much during the past five months and have conducted themselves with dignity and good humour throughout. I could not be more proud of them; they are a credit to themselves and to the School and they all have very bright futures ahead of them. I wish them every success.”